Friday, January 21, 2011

Mr. Punch in the Arts: A Punch & Judy Mechanical Bank

Our friend Mr. Punch has a lot to carry on his hunched shoulders. It’s not easy being an icon. Not only is he a symbol of centuries of puppet artistry, but he’s also iconic of Britain itself. Mr. Punch has found his visage on everything from magazines to candy. His countenance has been rendered in every conceivable medium. So, why not cast iron.

This Punch & Judy Bank was recently given to me by my good friend, Whirligig. It’s a spot-on reproduction of the mechanical Punch & Judy Banks of the Nineteenth Century. Put a coin in Judy’s dish, and push down on the lever. With a quick smack, Mr. punch lowers his famous slapstick and Judy deposits the coin in the bank at the reverse of the “tent.” Beautifully painted and heavy as can be, this bank makes me smile because it reminds me of many of my favorite things.

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