Monday, September 27, 2010

Goal for the Day: Prioritize

Some days, all of us feel as though we might go mad trying to figure out how to accomplish everything we think we need to do.  However, is everything on the “list” so terribly important?  To avoid becoming overwhelmed, we should all remember to take a minute to pause and prioritize.  There are some things that must be done on a schedule in order to ensure our survival—meals, paying bills, etc.  Still, other things are really not as urgent. 
Decide what’s most important and tackle those items first.  The others will fall into place as they can.  Becoming anxious about it won’t do you any good.  Always know that you’re doing the best you can.  Remembering your priorities will keep you calmer and, in turn, free up a lot of time you would have wasted worrying.

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