Saturday, July 31, 2010

Term for the Day: Pediment

A pediment from my home.
A pediment is an architectural term referring to a triangular gable, supported by columns, and surrounded by molding. The pediment rose to prominence in ancient Greek and Roman architecture and has been adapted and employed for centuries. The open space in a pediment is often filled with sculpture or a decorative pattern in bas relief. Pediments often top doors and windows or other architectural feautres both interior and exterior, supported by the molding around the opening.

Bertie surveys these arched pediments.
Pediments are not necessarily triangular. They can be rounded in an arch, as seen in the image from a hallway in my house, “broken” (meaning the peak of the pediment is interrupted by other decoration) or “swan neck” (a popular style in American classical architecture wherein a central finial is flanked by two matching s-shapes). If you take a look around your neighborhood, you’ll, no doubt, see pediments in their many forms.


Dashwood said...

Have you considered a post about the proper placement of dogs in a home. Bertie seems to have an excellent eye for it.

Darcy said...

The architectural detail in older buildings is really something to look at and enjoy. Thank you for poining that out. I'm going to take a closer look and observe when I'm out and about.
Oh, I'm also starting to notice that Bertie seems to like to get in your pictures. He's a one man (or dog) "Where's Waldo?".

Joseph Crisalli said...

Dashwood, yes, I should consult with him on an article. He has a lot to say about a variety of subjects.

Joseph Crisalli said...

Hi Darcy,

I've always been fascinated by architecture. I think it's my love of permanence. Yes, Bertie does enjoy being in the pictures. He's a ham. But, it's also a westie's natural curiosity. He wonders what I'm up to when I'm wandering around and he wants to be involved. I'll call him Waldo later and see how he takes to it. LOL.